
Christian Meditation Italy Retreat Picture Blog and Reviews!

Rhonda and Sue taking a photo opt with one of our retreat hostesses Enrica in Tuscany, Italy, June 2019! Italy is my 5th retreat so far! Twenty retreaters joined together to learn more about Christian Meditation, how to draw closer to God, and various tools to help us to purify our hearts and minds. Check out our picture blog and testimonials.

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Food was nutritious and delicious. Many options for vegan, vegetarian, dairy, and gluten-free. Waiting to be served with views overlooking the countryside.


“This retreat is for everyone of all backgrounds and walks of life. There is something here for everybody that will make a positive impact in all areas of your life, personally, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It was my first solo trip, and everything was so well-organized that I was confident I was in good hands. Rhonda is such a God-given blessing and I am so grateful to have had the privilege to learn from her and attend this retreat. I look forward to attending more.”

Mary Mendoza (Canada)

“I have not been on a retreat in several years, so I had my reservations about how I would do. But with the information and tools provided, I bypassed some relational glitches and found friendships evolve unexpectedly. I think Rhonda has done an amazing job organizing and orchestrating every facet of this trip and showed her true spiritual maturity in trying situations. She is truly a genuine and compassionate person who walks her talk and is very real through and through. I walk away from this adventure with no regrets and have greater confidence to travel abroad in the future. There has not been one day of this week that I have failed to grow in some way and leave unwanted baggage in the past. This experience has been a true highlight of my life. Thank you for all you have done Rhonda and for many areas of favor you extended to me.”-  Kristine Schuck (Florida)

“I have been to three previous retreats with Rhonda ad this one was by far the greatest one. The beauty of Italy allowed me to experience God’s grace in a new and very humbling way. The retreat center and staff were amazingly hospitable and pleasant. They were an absolute joy and their hearts shine brightly each and every day. The food was phenomenally delicious and extremely nutritious. The spiritual food was even more delicious spiritually. My heart, soul, mind, emotions and spirit have been filled to the full and even to the overflow! Thank you, Rhonda, for pouring your heart, soul, and prayerful spirit into this retreat. I was blessed beyond measure. The rooms were quaint, extremely clean and peaceful as were the lands contained on the property. Please have another retreat here! I’ll definitely come and bring Shawn with me. Keep up the awesome work Rhonda.”  – Michelle Mitchell (California)

After visiting the Coliseum, we found a little cafe off the beaten path in Rome for a delicious meal full of vegetables, chicken, and ice cream bars.

“For the most part I felt very accepted, seen, heard, accommodated, etc. I was last minute add-on, so I am glad I was so welcomed and accommodated. It has given me tools I didn’t know I needed or at least I didn’t know where to look for them. All of the staff here were beautiful, patient, and hospitably warm. Rhonda is very warm, patient, understanding, and compassionate. I would definitely do it again.” – Patricia Hicks (Canada)

“Most beneficial for me was discovering a blind-spot that was weighing me down to the point of a depressive exhaustion. Rhonda facilitated the discovery and suggested a number of tools to address my struggle and restore my peace of mind.”- Beverly Kyer (California)

christian meditation retreat

Working hard on our manifesting journals. The Bibles says to “Speak those things that be not as though they already were.”

“I am impressed with Laura and Enrica (retreat center hosts) with their loving kindness. They happily prepared and served food to avoid our food intolerances. They impacted me and made me food welcomed and secure from the moment I arrived. I so appreciated the wholesome food choices.  The balance of the meditation, workshops, free time, excursions, meals was great! This has been a wonderful first experience to “Europe” and traveling alone. Rhonda is loving and authentic. She doesn’t judge or major in the minors.” -Susan Smith (Idaho)

“The Christian Meditation Retreat was much more than I expected. The accommodations were amazing. The food was healthy and delicious. Rhonda was/is such a great teacher who really embodies what she teaches. I came wanting to know how to meditate and left with a host of tools, which I know how to use and made some great meaningful connections with fellow attendees. I would highly recommend the retreat and ask that you come with an open heart ready to receive, share and experience God’s awesome presence.  Thank you, Rhonda for staying the course, not being afraid to experience new things and your willingness to teach others.” -Blessings, Natalie. (Minnesota)

“It helped to step out of my comfort zone. To reach my inner hurt and trials. How to be still and focus on God. I met many wonderful amazing individuals with great talent and wisdom of different trades. So much love and care amongst strangers, who I just met a week ago. Rhonda was amazing with such a beautiful and humble heart. Well prepared with tools that were necessary. Facility, center, and food was amazing.” – Ana Hernandez (Arizona) 

“My overall thoughts about the retreat would be that it was phenomenal. Everyone present was so supportive and had a genuine kind spirit. My impression of Rhonda was that she was so sweet and caring. Rhonda displayed professionalism throughout and represented a Christian spirit. I learned a lot from Rhonda and pray that God continues to open doors for more retreats and even bigger. Rhonda keep up the good work. God is definitely working within you.” – Nikisha Grissom (Atlanta)

Retreat was phenomenal. Location and retreat staff were well as the food was unforgettable. The sharing of each participant and God’s stories were faith builders. The pace of the retreat was great with time for practice and private meditation. I came for me and for techniques for clients and I go home with that and so much more. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Rhonda.” – Karen Gongola, Ph.D. (Arkansas)

“Rhonda has a beautiful way of inviting you into better and deeper ways of experiencing God’s grace, presence, and healing power in your life. The retreat is so well-balanced, considered and both restful and purposeful. This coupled with the incredible people her retreats attract and the ridiculously beautiful Tuscan countryside and food made for a picture and soul perfect time. Balissimo! Thank you, Rhonda.” – Sarah Deusher, Pastor (Australia)

“My overall thoughts and impressions were just what I thought it would be. Very relaxed, getting closer to God while meditating. The place was beautiful, food was off the chain and the view was what I needed. My impressions of Rhonda were just what I saw when I saw her for the first time on YouTube. Very sweet and caring person. Her voice let you know she is very humble person. I truly have enjoyed every moment of her presence. I can’t wait for the next retreat.” -Debra Jacobs (Atlanta)

“Blessings to all of you as you make it to your final destination. This retreat and the people I have met have been a blessing and there is so much gratitude in this heart of mine. Please keep in touch and I’ll be praying for all of you.” – Renae Duncan

“This experience was life changing, to make me a better man for my wife to deal with and helps me to understand her on a much deeper emotional level. The food was cleansing and great for detoxing the body.  The staff was very hospitable and helpful to wake my stay enjoyable. The accommodates were comfortable and beautiful. Awesome awesome retreat. Thank you, Rhonda.”- Shawn Mitchell


We found a comfortable place to sit at the beach overlooking the Medittearean Sea.

Conrad leading us in Tai Chi, a moving meditation under the Tuscan Sun. 

On one of our excursions to the beach. A few of us hanging out in the Mediterranean Sea. The water was so warm and never went higher than our waist.

An Evening of Praise and Worship. We were even blessed with one of Mary’s original songs. You can hear it in the background now. 

**Original song playing written my Mary Mendoza

Post retreat, many in the group stayed after the retreat to visit the sites of Rome, Florence, Amalfi Coast, Siena, and more. Here are a few of us at the Coliseum. I love Italy. It has so much to offer. 

Fresh Pizza and Crust made while we waited. Yum!

christian yoga retreat

The studio where we held our workshops and meditated. Each day included time for instruction, meditation, and personal reflection time. 

Me, waiting for the group and preparing to teach a gentle yoga class overlooking the beautiful terrain. Most of our morning yoga classes were held inside the studio.

Taking a hike on the retreat property. We went through the vineyards, to vegetable garden, and more.

Me, preparing for the day’s workshop and meditation. Each day we focused on Christian meditation and many healing tools. 

One of the very beautiful villas we stayed in. It’s really hard to capture the beauty and vastness in just photographs. 

Post retreat, after checking into our hotel in Florence, I’m about to enjoy a cafe latte and pastry, work a bit, and then explore. 

I would love to return here again in 2021 for another Christian Meditation Retreat. I hope you will join us! If interested in an upcoming retreat, please join my mailing list below.- Rhonda


Don't Miss Our Next God Getaway Retreat!

In the next month or so, I will be adding additional upcoming retreats both locally and abroad. If you’d like to attend, please join the mailing list below and I’ll keep you up-to-date on upcoming events.