Christian Meditation & Yoga Retreats that Heal & Transform
Christian Meditation & Yoga Retreats that Heal & Transform
What’s Included:
A few years later I became a Christian Yoga Instructor. I know that there is a lot of controversy regarding yoga and the church, but for me, yoga is a moving meditation to the Lord. The Bible tells us that in whatever we do, to do it unto the Lord. I believe we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the more space we create for Jesus to enter (union with God) in by clearing out the negative thoughts, clutter, and false mindsets, the greater our capacity to know and experience Christ. If you didn’t know, yoga which means union, was created prepare us for meditation and to seam together our fragmented parts. You will find that after a Christian yoga class your mind is much more still and calmer. I generally end my yoga classes with a guided meditation as well.
In addition, contrary to what people think about yoga, the postures (or asanas are really only 10% of the yoga philosophy and yoga can be practiced as an exercise apart from any type of faith. This is called Hatha Yoga. As a Christian, my mind and heart are dedicated to Jesus. I do not promote any type of religion other than a growing and personal relationship with God.
Rhonda Jones teaching a yoga morning class at God Getaways Retreat in Costa Rica, 2018.
Most people who take my classes are so surprised. I hear comments like, “That was just stretching,”, “That was liberating,” or “I feel so free.” It is unfortunate that many Christians miss out on the benefits of yoga out of fear it will harm them in some way. To the contrary I feel my faith and relationship with Christ has only grown stronger. In fact, at one of my recent Christian meditation retreats, a Holy Yoga teacher who attended said that she grew more as a Christian going through her Holy Yoga training, than 20 years of church attendance! I can attest to this as well. When we do yoga as unto the Jesus, we are involving our whole self: mind, body, and spirit and it feels REALLY good!
Please don’t knock it until you have tried it. I do not promote all types of yoga, but for an exercise based yoga class, I recommend Christ-Centered yoga, Hatha yoga, or Vinyasa yoga (faster paced.) God has given us discernment. There are FAR greater dangers and hindrances to our faith than taking a yoga class.
Yoga studio at Christian Meditation and Yoga Retreat in Italy.
Rhonda Jones has been facilitating retreats for the last 8-years bringing people from all over the globe. Her mission is one of healing after suffering from 4-years of a deep depression that modern medicine couldn’t relieve. “I believe that with the right knowledge and tools we can heal ourselves from within,” says Rhonda.
“Circumstances, crisis, and our inner pains and wounds can challenge us, but they don’t have to take us out at least not for long,” she declares.
Rhonda has hosted meditation retreats in Mexico, Italy, Costa Rica, Mount Shasta, and Northern California. Upcoming 2020 retreats also include France and Mexico. She is planning a retreat in Canada as well for 2021.
We have upcoming Christian Yoga Retreats in Northern California, France, Mexico for 2019-2020. Please join mailing list for stay abreast of new retreats and events.