
Themed 2 to 3 Night Retreats

christian destination retreat

Need a little more time to unwind  and cultivate  spiritual awareness and direction to meeting real needs, you’ll enjoy a weekend Getaway with God Retreat. These retreats generally begin on a Friday evening and end on Sunday around noon.

Weekend retreats follow a specific theme or can include a variety of topics (see below):

Burnt out, Tired, Need Some “Me” Time?

secret place lifestyle center christian retreats

 Workshop Themes or Topics:

  • Quiet Please: Creating a Daily Power Hour
    • Turn your daily devotions into a power hour that reconnects you with God and renews, refreshes, and empowers you throughout the day.
  • Art, Drink, and Meditation
    • While sipping healthy non-alcoholic cocktail and with soft music playing in the background, let your creative juices flow into creating your own work of art for fun and relaxation.  Add additional $10 for art supplies.
  • Christian Meditation & Awakening Your Inner Spirit
    • Learn what is Christian meditation and how it can deepen your relationship with God.
  • Christian Meditation & Stress Relief
    • Did you know that meditation is now prescribed by doctors to relieve stress and reduce the symptoms of all disease? Learn Christian meditation techniques you can incorporate daily.
  • Christian Yoga Basics
    • New to yoga and want to learn basic poses and breathing techniques? This class with familiarize you with the most common poses and their modifications.
  • Fun with Juicing and Blending
    • We’re hearing a lot about juicing and green smoothies these days. Learn juicing and blending basics as we prepare a variety of tasty, healthy, beverages. Add
  • Vision Power
    • The Bibles says without a vision the people perish. You’ll create a vision for one or more areas in your life and then nurture your vision by getting rid of the mental and emotional blocks standing in the way.
  • Let Love In
    • Single and looking for love? Learn how you might be sabotaging your love life and participate in several activities and meditations on love to let it in.
  • Spiritual Journaling
    • A spiritual journal is a wonderful tool to record your inspirations, fears, and encounters with God. Learn how to create a spiritual journal and activities to heal your life.
  • Winning the Battle for your  Mind
    • Do you need to banish your inner critic? Negative thinking and emotions are prelevant everywhere, even in the church. Learn how to identify toxic thoughts, emotions, and limiting beliefs, and eliminate them from your life.
  • Pulling Down Strongholds
    • The Bibles says that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual to the pulling down of strongholds. Learn the weapons of the enemy and how to fight him with the right weapons.
  • God’s Original Eating Plan
    • What does the Bible have to say about the foods we eat? Learn how eating in alignment with scripture can restore your health.
  • Take Charge of Your Health
    • Learn tips to take charge of your health and feel better: mental, spiritual, and physically.
  • Total Mess to Total Rest
    • Learn tips that help you to remove the chaos from you life and walk in God’s divine balance and peace.
  • Girlfriend Getaway Pajama Party
    • Come to an evening of Christian or Hatha yoga, meditation, and fun and games to nurture your inner child (not board games).


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