
Why We All Need Extended Times With God

As Christians, we have been called into a life of fellowship and communion with God through His Spirit. The words we say as grace are actually a prayer by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthians that the grace of our Lord Jesus, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all forever. The more time we have with our creator, the more He loads us with benefits every day.

It is easy to go about life and be preoccupied with the responsibilities that we have in our various stations in life so much so that we forget the essence of having time with God. There are more benefits that come from having extended times with God than most of us would realize.


What Does It Mean to Have an Extended Time With God?

Extended time with God means that we have time when we put everything away to connect to Him, let Him speak to us and have our affections set on Him for a long period of time. Extended times with God involve many activities that will help you release to God and get close to Him. It means that you will have an opportunity to read scripture, worship, pray and meditate to connect with God. Here is why we all need to have extended times with God;


Develop Intimacy With Him

When you set time apart to be with a God in a getaway, you will have an opportunity to develop intimacy with Him. Intimacy is inner closeness with God. It is in intimacy that secrets are revealed leading to greater trust and dependence on the all-powerful God.


It is a Commandment of our Lord Jesus

Jesus said that if we dwell in Him and He dwells in us we shall bear much fruit. You can have that mutual indwelling reality when you have extended time with Him and to connect to Him. Jesus expects us to have a fellowship with Him in order to have fruitful Christian lives.


We Become More Like Christ

A getaway with God will give us time to learn about Him and let His character to be assimilated to ours. In spending prolonged time to focus on God we get imbued with the strength of God, His wisdom, Love and Peace. We become exactly like we predominantly set our minds and affections to.


We Develop Christian Discipline

As a Christian, it is more likely to be devoted, kind, patient, forgiving and prayerful when you often have time set apart with God. The more you do it the more it becomes a habit and eventually your character.


Just for You

The atmosphere you spend extended time with God will definitely determine the quality of your quiet time with Him. We have selected and tailored the best of environments to enable you have quality time with God in our getaway retreats. You can sign up and take advantage of any of our packages that cater for ladies, to just un-plug or just retreat and still be with God.

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